Sunday, April 14, 2013

Grand Opening Party

We the MiniMonos Blast decide to have a Grand Opening.

Here are the details.

~When- April 20th 2013, Saturday.
~Time- 9:30 AM GTM.
~Place- Banana Gove, Star Tiger

Every monkey is invited! :D
I will be giving plenty of gifts, fun, and awesomeness. In fact there will be a raffle for 200 go gifts. Maybe some staff members might come! I'm hoping that all MiniMonos Blast members would come!

Thanks for supporting the MMBlast Blog and reaching almost 15,000 views. Wowza! Thank you so very much. We appreciate everything!

P.s. We are still looking for some staff members.


  1. "Grand Opening"? Ok so you have decided to remove cola, replace him, and then party about it! Thats wrong

    1. Partying for the removal of ColaX? Wow. Thats just off limits I would never party like that xD. This party is only for our veiwers saying "THANK YOOOH" and like all stores, movies, pet shops or whatever has a Grand Opening so thats why I named it the Grand Opening Party.

      Thanks for stopping by! Your awesome!

  2. We are not partying about removing Cola Love. Cola made his own decision to leave this blog, and the only reason we are having a party is because we have really updated this blog so we are going to have a party, like most blogs would!

    P.s - I should be able to come to this party Edie!

    P.P.S Do you think it will last about 20 minutes, or what?



  3. I guess I aint invited but why bother,I decided to leave the blog after the thing with David (STILL Not his fault) and Edie starts writing stuff that could hurt peoples feelings like Tj2004 and Cause Edie thinks he's boss (when he hardly posted and left me to do everything) I'm busy as well ya know!!!!

    Edie will probably delete this but I think I've made my point!!!

    Don't hope to see you soon Edie!!!


    1. Lol, Every monkey is invited. I became friends with Tj and delted that post xD I ddn't right so much post cause of school work? Im not a boss Im a weirdo #getfofactsrightplease
