Monday, April 15, 2013

Hey monkeys!

Hi monkeys!
I'm MonkeyTastic26(But you can call me Mt)and Ediesonz3 has asked me to join this wonderful blog!
Here's my fact file:
Monkey name:MonkeyTastic26
Monkey age:60 days
Best buddy:Ediesonz3
Fav color:red
Thanks for reading my first post and I'll see you all at the grand opening party!


  1. So Ed, You think you can take away people on my blog!! Well im not following this! Just keep trying and maybe one day you, you will win, But at the Minuet its gonna be final!

    1. You don't understand love I asked to be a co-host for parties and an author!

    2. O.O... Me stealing people. Thats like trying to take a lolli from a baby.
      She ask me and I approve. Simple as that. Cheeeese

  2. Welcome to the blog mt!

  3. Oh my bananas! Thank you so much! <3 I love all your support.
    Whats your username. I will give you a gift cause this made my day! Thanks so much


  4. Pfft this blog aint wonderful....
